Inspire Project

Inspire Project launches in Dundee and Edinburgh

Key Facts

  • Partnership with The Welcoming and Project Scotland
  • Volunteer mentoring opportunities across Edinburgh and Dundee
  • Supporting Young asylum seekers, refugees and migrants (aged 16-30)

The Inspire Project supports young refugee and asylum seekers launches in Dundee and Edinburgh.

We recognise the multiple barriers to employment facing New Young Scots. We also recognise the potential of New Young Scots-they have aspirations and goals- but may not have the skillset, tools or guidance needed to turn these into a reality. Discrimination, language, low self-esteem and lack of work experience are some of the challenges young asylum seekers, refugees and migrants are met with. Inspire will provide employability support, structured volunteering placements and mentoring opportunities across Dundee and Edinburgh for people aged -16-30.

A volunteer mentor will be ‘matched’ to a mentee, meeting once a week/fortnight in the local community, to develop a trusting relationship and support with building confidence, resilience and independence.  They can also support the young people practically: with language, culture, orientation in their new communities; help to set goals and ambitions; develop new skills, knowledge and experience to pursue their chosen pathway.

Across Edinburgh and Dundee, we would love to hear from:

  • Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer mentor to support young refugees
  • Third sector organisations who would like to find out more about becoming a partner and hosting a placement
  • Young people aged 16-30 who are asylum seekers, refugees or migrants who would like to get involved

Please contact us to find out more by emailing

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